Chances are your about page is a missed opportunity.

You are most likely, 9 times out of 10, using your about page, to talk about yourself.

Which, fair, it is called your about page, or even About Me, (Stacy), so it does seem like an assignment. Write about Stacy.

But that is not what your about page has to be for. And not the best use of that real estate.

Your about page is an amazing spot. Its like the next level. Your homepage is full of randos. People who don't know how they got there or why. They misstyped a url or thought you sold refurbished beanie babies and they are just there for the jokes.

Your about page is way sparser. this is the afterparty. These are the people that stuck around through all your weird and offputting jokes about beanie babies and actually wanted to know more.

And they do want to know more about you, they're curious, they want to know if they can trust you, if they like you, all that.

But what they want even more is to see themselves reflected in your about page.

Like how awesome would that be? It like if you saw the inside of your high school crush's locker and it was full of pictures of you! Amazing.

“The best part is that he truly understood me on a personal level.”

“John helped me find a fresh angle for my website bio/about page. As a photographer, I find it challenging to write about myself and what sets me apart in the industry. Yet, I understand how important it is to convey that effectively. Working with John was fun and easy. We brainstormed some ideas and he noticed things about my background that would be beneficial to feature. He connected my past experiences to my photographer role, highlighting the unique value for my clients. I definitely recommend John for any of your copywriting needs!”

Katya Andrievskaia - Photographer, Founder Tone Curve Studio

And pretty creepy, actually. What would they be doing with all those pictures of you? How did they get them? Why were you so into them in the first place? Didn't you see the red flags? But you were always into bad boys. You do like danger. but has that served you? maybe its time to find someone more responsible.

Ok, let's put a pin in that conversation for now. Point being, for the most part, wouldn't it be cool if you were looking for someone, and they were looking for you too?

Like what if I was looking for my next copywriting client, and you were looking for an insecure man from Western New York with ADHD who likes David Lynch movies and disappointing his parents? That would be amazing!

Its like we were meant to be together!

Ok, obvious next question. That all sounds great, like obvs. But how do I know all these creepy details about my potential clients? Do I have to put some kind of tracking on their computers so the about page populates with their profile and interests?

No. But save that million dollar idea for when you've given up on all your scruples.

Because you already know all you need to know about your idea customer because they have a problem and you solve it! That is your common interest! That is your target demographic! People who need you.

So if you are a lawyer for skeevy polliticians who need to clean up their reputations online, that's who your about page is for!

Easy as that. You see what I'm saying?

And we'll get some little relatable details in there so it isn't too like, well enough about me, you know what I'm saying? You don't want to come across as a blank wall.

You need to be human after all.

We can get this done for you.

But if you've made it this far, I guess I should share a little bit about myself.

Libra, Taurus Rising, Aquarius Moon.

Let me look for some Good icebreaker type questions.

song on repeat: Little Mascara, the Replacements

I believe everything is figureoutable.

Let’s clarify your messaging so people stay long enough to understand what you do and how you can help them.

A little about me…

I’m just an average Joe, really. I’ve had a few careers that ultimately lead me to find my calling as a copywriter. But I did spend all of my 20’s in a Zen monastery in Kyoto, Japan, where I learned a thing or two about life and perspectives.

I’m also…

a rock musician

Whatever this makes me. An intellectual? An older Japanese man? A nerd? I don’t know.

a Bills fan