Dad Guild

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“Going into this project, we knew that our website was one of the most important ways we have of connecting with our audience and growing our organization. It's our first opportunity to show people who we are and what we can do. But even knowing that, it's so daunting because we are all busy doing “the work” and thinking about the website is just so overwhelming.

John and Ramona made it so easy. They did dynamite work and they are really fantastic at collaborating with us to make sure the end product is really what we want. They are both wonderful compassionate human beings who have a deep understanding of all the complexities nonprofits face. And their process has been super clear and straightforward. I would happily recommend anyone to work with Wonder Web Creative.”

-Keegan Albaugh, Executive Director of Dad Guild

Jennifer Knauer Mediation

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“The website is getting compliments! Well done! And, it’s helping word-of-mouth referrals connect with me. Awesome and thank you!”

-Jennifer Knauer, Founder and CEO of Jennifer Knauer Mediation & Facilitation


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Email Funnel

“John and Wonder Web are a dream team. They regularly demonstrate their commitment to providing incredible value. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to work with them again and I look forward to more.”

- Sarah Lyman, founder and CEO of

Rebecca Shah

SEO Rewrites

“It happened! My website is the #1 search result for my keyword! For the first time I’m getting unsolicited leads just from my website.”

-Rebecca Shah, Founder/CEO of Rebecca Shah Consulting